Weather forecast

Your weather forecast in Königstein/ Oberplalz, Bavaria
Saturday, 22.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
light fogcloudyoccasional rainlight fog
conditionlight fogcloudyoccasional rainlight fog
temperature8 °C11 °C9 °C6 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %78 %0 %
wind speed5 km/h9 km/h8 km/h8 km/h
wind directionSouth/EastSouthSouthSouth/West
Sunday, 23.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
light fogpartly cloudysunnyoccasional rain
conditionlight fogpartly cloudysunnyoccasional rain
temperature8 °C12 °C10 °C5 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed5 km/h4 km/h5 km/h5 km/h
wind directionWestSouth/WestSouthSouth
Monday, 24.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
light fogpartly cloudycloudypartly cloudy
conditionlight fogpartly cloudycloudypartly cloudy
temperature6 °C11 °C8 °C6 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed6 km/h9 km/h6 km/h5 km/h
wind directionSouthSouthSouthSouth
Thusday, 25.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
light drizzlelight drizzlelight drizzlelight drizzle
conditionlight drizzlelight drizzlelight drizzlelight drizzle
temperature9 °C9 °C5 °C5 °C
chance of rain100 %100 %100 %100 %
wind speed4 km/h4 km/h4 km/h4 km/h
wind directionSouthSouth/EastSouth/EastEast
Wendsday, 26.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
light drizzlelight rainlight rainoccasional rain
conditionlight drizzlelight rainlight rainoccasional rain
temperature8 °C9 °C5 °C4 °C
chance of rain100 %100 %100 %100 %
wind speed4 km/h4 km/h11 km/h10 km/h
wind directionSouth/EastNorth/WestNorth/WestNorth/West
Thursday, 27.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
cloudypartly cloudysunnyoccasional rain
conditioncloudypartly cloudysunnyoccasional rain
temperature5 °C6 °C5 °C2 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed6 km/h8 km/h6 km/h5 km/h
wind directionNorth/WestSouth/EastNorth/EastNorth/East
Friday, 28.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
temperature2 °C5 °C6 °C4 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed5 km/h6 km/h3 km/h2 km/h
wind directionNorthNorth/EastNorth/EastNorth/East
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